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Tsunami Alarm System For Everybody

Our loafs

We sell the following types of loafs. They are all in "student size" which means that they are not too big for one person can eat one loaf in two or three days and for their price is affordable for students. Though the quality is excellent. Please click on one to find out more.

 White bread   Whole wheat bread   Super brown bread 

This is our basic loaf of standard white wheat bread. It is white but not the toast-bread-like thing you normally get in the supermarket or in other bakeries. It is healthier, more nutritious and tastes better.
This is the loaf of whole wheat bread which has been adapted to the Indonesian taste and is thus whiter than a fully whole wheat bread. It is healthier and more nutritious than our white bread but also heavier.
This is the loaf of entirely whole wheat bread. Thus it is even darker than our normal whole wheat bread. Consequently, it has been called "Super brown". This is our most healthy bread because it makes your stomache work more than any other bread. Our whole grain loafs can also be used as a hemorrhoids treatment since a good home remedy against hemorrhoids is to increase the intake of fiber-rich foods. This is just one of many examples of the importance and the enormous effect of diet. An unbalanced diet and animal protein can cause insufficiencies and many deceases while a well-balanced vegan diet is nowadays the best way to live a healthy life.